In-library and shorter-term checkout options
Students can borrow reserve equipment from our Library Help Desks. Some equipment is for use in the library only, but some can be checked out for short-term use outside the library. Ask a librarian for details on equipment loan periods.
Equipment is available for students on a first come first served basis. We cannot guarantee availability or hold equipment for you.
Check the location and tentative availability of reserve equipment. For example, if the status is available, the item may be available for use. If the location is CHECKED OUT, the item is in use by another student, or in maintenance.
Looking for a longer-term checkout option?
Madison College provides loaned laptop computers and internet hotspots free of charge to currently registered students. View details on the College's site.
Some other college labs may have scanners also
Remember these? We kept a few, just in case. Available at the Truax Library for in-library use.