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Political Science: American National Government

Image: Banner for American National Government research guide with images of national political leaders

American National Government: Library Materials

The following books require login if you wish to use them off-campus. Simply login with your Madison College username and password.

Democracy on Trial - PBS Frontline, January 30, 2024

Image: Screenshot from video that links to the video online

Plot to Overturn the 2020 Election - PBS Frontline

Image: Screenshot Michael Flynn being interviewed  from interview in the film "The Plot to Overturn the Election"

CSpan: Capitol Police Inspector General testifies about January 6 attack.

Image: Screenshot from video of committee hearing

Biden: Vaccine Mandates Announced

Image: Biden addressing nation about COVID mandates


U.S. Completes Withdrawal from Afghanistan

IMage: Plane firing rockets over Afghanistan


American Insurrection: Frontline PBS

Image: Screenshot of people charging up the steps of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021


Professor cited by Dershowitz: Dershowitz is wrong

Image: Screenshot from CNN video


What we learned from the opening day of Trump's impeachment trial (PBS)

Image: Screenshot from video image


Mueller Investigation: Frontline (PBS)

Image: Links to Frontline video on Mueller Report


President Trump's Remarks at the National Rifle Association Meeting

Image: screenshot from video


Full Speech - Trump on Border Emergency

Image: Links to Trump on border emergency


Trump Faces a Democratic-led House 

Image: Links to video on the midterms

To view the following videos off-campus, you will need to login with your Madison College username and password.

Moyers & Company: The Dog Whistle Politics of Race

Image: Screenshot from Dogwhistle Politics of Race

Women in Politics: Women Who Make America

Image: Links to video Women in Politics

Elections and Political Parties

Image: Links to video Elections and Political Parties

16 Acres DVD cover

16 Acres. 1 videodisc (92 min.), 2014. Call Number: 973.931 SI625 DVD

The Unknown Known DVD cover

The Unknown Known. 1 videodisc (103 minutes), 2014. Call Number: 352.293092 U58 DVD

Clinton American Experience DVD cover

Clinton, American Experience. 2 videodiscs, 4 hrs, 2012. Call Number: 973.929092 C641 DVD

The War Room DVD  cover

The War Room. 1 videodisc, 96 minutes. 2012. Call Number: 324.72 W253 DVD

What's the Matter with Kansas? DVD cover

What's the Matter with Kansas? 1 videodisc, 90 minutes. 2011. Call Number: 978.1033 W555 DVD

The Billionaires' Tea Party DVD cover

The Billionaires' Tea Party: How Corporate America is Faking a Grassroots Revolution. 1 videodisc, 56 min. 2011. Call Number: 322.3 B598 DVD

Washington Players

Image: Logo for Toronto Start fact check page

News Magazines - Politics & Government

January 6 - Select Committee to Investigate the Attack on the Capitol

Committee Website

News Coverage - Major Outlets

News Feed

Websites for U.S. Politics

***Cartoons are included for educational purposes only*** They do not represent the views of Madison College Libraries or the guide author.

Image: Man is having a senior moment, like those that characterize the two frontrunners for the Presidential election in 2024

Image: Biden paints Democrats, represented by the donkey, into a corner because of his age

Image: "republicans the big tent party" shows someone in a Klan sheet covering Kanye West, Trump and Nick Fuentes

Image: Cartoon showing a Democrat (Donkey) accusing a Republican (Elephant) of having changed, although the Donkey is obviously far more fringe.

Image: Cartoon of Trump launching his campaign atop a dinosaur, exclaiming "Yabba Dabba Doo", as a certain caveman might

Image: GOP frightening the public with the specter of crime, drugs and inflation. GOP solution? Investigate Hunter Biden

Image: Biden asking his dog if 82 is too old to be President, which is a whole lot in dog years

Image: Fox News host Tucker Carlson is holing up two bottles on a broadcast. One says 'hatred', the other 'racism'. Carlson is saying, "Buy one, get one free.: The cartoon refers to Carlson's use of the 'replacement theory'


Image: The racist idea that the left is attempting to replace white Americans with immigrants is parodied here. Fox news is on the TV the guy is watching and it shows Fox News replacing his brain with Fox News Content that is worthless.


Image: Cartoon showing Clarence and his wife Ginny Thomas. Thomas says, "People should just live with the outcomes they don't like." Next to him, facing the other direction, is Ginny Thomas just about to blow up the Capitol, referring to her texts to Mark Meadows after the 2020 election.


Image: Puritans speaking to one another next to those who were burned at the stake for witchcraft.

Image: Democrats dressed up like Salem witch trial judges



Image: Shows Trump spelling out the letters for the word 'RACIST' with his arms, legs and bodyImage: Shows Uncle Sam watching Democratic debates wanting more discussion of the issues

Image: Shows Trump performing at 'Wallapalooza', rehashing all his 2016 campaign rants

Image: Shows Dems in a car on a road trip asking 'Are you there yet' of Nancy Pelosi to get her to start impeachment proceedings

Political cartoons: Changing GOP feelings on Russia from 1968 to 2019

Political cartoon: Shows GOP lawmaker inside a women's uterus.

Political cartoon: Poking fun at Trump's claims of transparency

Political cartoon - Critique of Biden's priorities

Political cartoon: a critique of Joe Biden's changing issue stances

Political cartoon on 'Snowflakes'


Image: Political cartoon about Trump's mountain of lies