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Student Mental Health

Mental Health resources for students, both on and off campus.


Mental Health Matters Image: Truax Campus

Lesson 3 - Managing Stress

Managing Stress

Stress is the body’s reaction to a challenge. Though stress is often perceived as bad, it can actually be good in some respects.

The right kind of stress can:

  • Sharpen the mind and reflexes.
  • Might help the body perform better.
  • Help you escape a dangerous situation.

Stress produces a physiological reaction in your body, releasing hormones that cause physical manifestations of stress such as slowed digestion, shaking, tunnel vision, accelerated breathing and heart rate, dilation of pupils and flushed skin.

Stress can cause emotional systems such as loss of patience, feeling overwhelmed, reduced desire to join enjoyable activities, and an increased pessimistic attitude.

Cognitive symptoms of stress include difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, impaired judgement and speech, and repetitive thoughts.

Recognizing when you are under too much stress and practicing exercises to reduce your stress can strengthen you both physically and mentally.



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Tips & Techniques 

  • Get enough sleep.
  • Eat well, to maintain good energy levels in the body.
  • Exercise: 20 minutes a day of physical activity can reduce stress levels.
  • Avoid unnatural energy boosters.
  • Get emotional support: choose a friend or family member who won’t be judgmental or seek the help of a professional counselor or psychologist.
  • Don’t give up your passions: find at least a couple of hours per week to pursue a hobby.
  • Try not to overload yourself.
  • Avoid relaxing with alcohol: unresolved stress will just come back after the buzz subsides.
  • Breathe: deep-breathing exercises can help melt away the tension.
  • Get a professional massage, to help loosen muscles and provide stress relief.

 (Reference: Everyday Health)



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Mental Health Matters Challenge:

Stress Less with Mindfulness


Watch one or more Mindfulness videos. Developer and director of Madison College's Mastering Mindfulness, Jodi Goldbeck shares five short lessons in mindfulness techniques to reduce your stress. 

Interested to learn more about mindfulness? Explore the Madison College Building Blocks of Well-Being program.



Talk to a counselor about your personal mental health concerns self-schedule using our Navigate app or call (608) 246-6076