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Student Mental Health

Mental Health resources for students, both on and off campus.


Mental Health Matters Image: Truax Campus

Lesson 2 - Social Connection

Social Connection Quote Introduction

Humans are social creatures with emotional needs for relationships and positive connections to others. We’re not meant to survive, let alone thrive, in isolation. Our social brains crave companionship - even when experience has made us shy and distrustful of others.

Image: Illustrated people standing on puzzle piecesMaking good social connections helps:

Relieve stress

Provide comfort and joy

 Prevent loneliness and isolation

 Improve your support network

Our society tends to place an emphasis on romantic relationships,
but friends bring more happiness into our lives than virtually anything else.


Image: Two young women huggingHealthy friendships can:

Improve your mood

Help you to reach your goals

Reduce stress and depression

Support you through challenging times

Support you as you age

Boost your self-worth

Tips & Techniques

Small group of students talking

Here are some tips to build good social connections:

Look for someone that:

Shows a genuine interest in you

Accepts who you are

Listens attentively without judgement

Shares things about themselves with you

3 Women


Be a better friend yourself:

Be the friend that you would like to have

Be a good listener

Give your friend space

Don’t set too many rules and expectations

Be forgiving

Woman with dog


Meet new people or track down old friends:


Take a class or join a club

Walk a dog

Cheer on your team


Mental Health Matters Logo

Mental Health Matters Challenge: Make Your Connection

Step 1: Make your motivational message. Use the SMART goal you developed in the previous challenge and craft a motivational message - make it a Post-It, slogan, song, artwork, memory or extravagant topiary garden - something to connect with every day to help get you to your goal.  

Step 2: Make a social connection. Meet someone new, join a club, or make a social post introducing yourself on WolfPack Connect.

If you need some options, all campus events are always posted on WolfPack Connect!



Talk to a counselor about your personal mental health concerns self-schedule using our Navigate app or call (608) 246-6076