Linking to Library Resources

Library services and resources that may be helpful for instructors.

Linking to library resources

computerReusable, stable links (Durable links, persistent links, permalinks, stable URLs, bookmarks)

  • Link directly to a particular article, video, publication, or database 
  • Add stable links to your Blackboard courses, assignments or email
  • Copyright compliant
  • Free 
  • Note: Persistent links are usually different from the URLs which appear in your browser address bar

To ensure Off Campus Access: 

  • Anyone who uses a durable or persistent link must also have access to the database
  • Off-campus users must authenticate (log in) to Madison College Libraries via ezproxy
  • So our college EZproxy prefix should be added to the database link, if madisoncollege is not already part of the URL

EZproxy URL creator

In order to access articles, books, or databases off campus, your URL needs to have IN FRONT OF YOUR URL in order to prompt the proxy-server to provide a login box to authenticate your access. 

If the permanent link provided by a database does not already put this prefix on your URL, you can do it here:

EZproxy URL Creator

This tool reformats the link by adding the Madison Area Technical College Libraries EZproxy prefix so that the link will work from off-campus.
Get Proxied URL
  • Double-click (or triple-click) the Durable URL text box above to select the whole URL.
  • (Use Ctrl-C to) copy the new URL.
  • (Use Ctrl-V to) paste the new URL into Blackboard, or a web design or word processing program.

Link to library resources