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Academic Technology Launchpad: Browser Settings: Cache, Pop-ups and Cookies

Student Technology Help Desk

How to clear your browser cache and history, or manage cookies or pop-ups

Chrome (Windows) - General directions to clear your browser history, cache, and cookies:chrome logo

  1. Choose the More icon (three stacked dots at the end of the address bar) and choose History. Or, you can press CTRL + H
  2. Select Clear Browsing Data
  3. Ensure Browsing history, Cookies and site data, and Cached images and files are selected
  4. Set the time range to clear to All time
  5. Choose Clear data

For more information, refer to your browser Help tools

Firefox (Windows) General directions to clear your browser history, cache, and cookies: firefox logo

  1. Press CTRL+ SHIFT+ DEL OR Click the Application menu (3 stacked bar icon next to address bar) - then select History
  2. Choose Clear recent history... Set the time range to clear to Everything. Choose the relevant check boxes including Browsing & Download History, Cookies, and Cache
  3. Select Ok


  • In the Application menu - Settings - Privacy & Security - you can select the checkbox to Delete cookies and site data AND the checkbox to clear history when Firefox is closed. This will delete these each time you close out of Firefox.

For more information, refer to your browser Help tools

Safari (Mac OS X)  General directions to clear your browser cache or cookies:safari logo

  1. Click the Safari menu and choose Preferences
  2. Click on the Advanced tab and select the Show Develop menu in menu bar checkbox. Close the Preferences window.
  3. Choose the Develop drop-down menu and select Empty Caches.


Safari (Mac OS X) General directions to clear your browser history:

  1. Click the Safari menu and choose History - Clear History
  2. In the clear field choose All History 
  3. Click Clear History

For more information, refer to your browser Help tools  

We recommend you add Firefox, Chrome or Edge for use with college systems

Microsoft Edge (Windows) General directions to clear your browser history, cache, and cookies:Edge logo

  1. Select the Settings and more icon (3 dot icon next to address bar) OR press ctrl+shift+delete and skip to step 5
  2. Choose History
  3. Choose the More options icon (3 horizontal lines at the top of the menu)
  4. Click Clear browsing data
  5. Select a time range of All time
  6. Choose what you want to clear such as Browsing history, Cookies and other site data, and Cached images and files
  7. Click Clear now

For more information, refer to your browser Help tools

We recommend you add Firefox or Chrome for use with college systems

Android browser General directions to clear your browser history: android logo

  1. Go to Menu - Settings - Personal data
  2. Choose Delete browsing data
  3. Select Browsing history, Cookies, Cached images and files
  4. Choose Delete data

Chrome for Android Mobile General directions to clear app history and cache:

  1. Go to Menu - Settings - Apps - Choose an app - Storage
  2. Tap Clear data and/or Clear cache

IOS (iPhone or iPad) General directions to clear your browser history in Safari: apple logo

  1. Launch the Settings app from the Home screen of your iPhone or iPad
  2. Scroll down and tap on Safari
  3. Scroll down and select Clear History and Website Data

For more information, refer to your browser Help tools

Kindle Fire General Directions to clear browser history:

  1. Tap Web to open the web browser
  2. Go to Menu - Settings
  3. Select Clear cache and Clear history
  4. Tap OK to confirm

Cache / History - Each time you access a file through your web browser, the browser caches or stores it. That way, the browser doesn't have to newly retrieve files, including any images on that page, from the web site each time you access the site. You should periodically clear the cache to allow your browser to function more efficiently and to display the most current content.  

Pop-Ups - Some college systems and resources open links in a new window, so you may need to allow pop-ups in your browser. 

Cookies - To use some college online services (Blackboard, myMadisonCollege, etc) you may need to enable cookies in your browser, and sometimes you also need to accept 3rd party cookies. A cookie is a very small file sent by a web site to your computer's web browser that is stored on your computer. Cookies must be enabled to ensure appropriate session identification in case a problem occurs. You can set your browser options to delete cookies at the time the session is terminated. Clearing cookies may also help with some browser issues. 

Javascript - should be enabled in your browser when using mymadisoncollege, Blackboard, and other college systems. Javascript is a programming language built into web browsers which helps make interactive web pages.

Use a recommended browser - Firefox, Chrome, or Edge

Have at least 2 browsers available on your computer. 

If you have a technical issue

  1. Try another browser
  2. Clear the browser history and cache