Madison College offers
free counseling services
to all current and prospective students.
The college's counseling professionals are here to help with:
All services are confidential. You can set up an appointment via the Navigate app or by calling 608-246-6076.
If you are in distress or crisis, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available to help 24 hours a day at 1-800-273-8255
Crisis Text Line offers free, 24/7 help via text. From your mobile phone, text HOME to 741741.
Madison College Counseling
Counseling is free for current students. Our counselors can help with a wide variety of issues.
Student Mental Health research guide
Features many resources including Mental Health Matters, a series of short guided lessons on improving mental health and well-being.
You@Madison College
Free resource for Madison College students that provides tips, tools and resources for bettering your mental health in a fun interactive online format.
Learning ways to cope with stress, academic and personal, is so important to feeling good. Finding the balance between your personal life, school, work, and family obligations is tricky- but worth it. Which methods do you go to to help you feel grounded, organized and in control? What new healthy coping strategies could you try?
Sleeping Well in the Digital Age Article and infographic from Georgetown University's Nursing Department. Includes information on the links between screen time and sleeping issues.
Calm's YouTube channel has narrated sleep stories which are designed to help your brain wind down so you can rest.
The Sleep With Me podcast features a host who talks at length about random topics in a very boring way! This is a favorite of people who have a hard time getting to sleep- available for free on any podcast app, or on their website.