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Equity & Inclusion: Streaming Media

Films Databases

Kanopy Streaming Films By Subject

Our streaming database Kanopy includes a wide variety of films on the following topics (click one of the links below to see a keyword search showing films on the topic):



Ethnicity & Identity


Indigenous Studies


LGBTQ Stories

Social and Systemic Injustice

Women & Society

Diversity in Film

Hollywood Diversity Report (UCLA)

Annual scholarly study done by UCLA's Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies.

Streaming Films

Streaming Films from Madison College Libraries

Our library subscribes to Kanopy and Films on Demand, both of which include many highly regarded full length documentaries on topics related to diversity. A few highlights are selected below.

Note: If off-campus, you will be asked to log in with your student or staff username and password to access these subscription-based resources via our database, Kanopy. Click the link below each film below to view the film directly in Kanopy, and for more detailed information about each.



Race: The Power of an Illusion Video Series Graphic

Video Series: Race: The Power of an Illusion

This three part series examines what modern science has to say about the
existence of race, and breaks down the ideology of race itself.