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History: Indigenous American: Primary Sources / Including Newspapers

Madson Area Technical College Libraries Research Guide for Native American History


Wisconsin Historical Society Library

Archives for the state of Wisconsin. Over 4 million published works relating to the history of North America. Making primary resources available is their mission. Also includes unpublished works, maps, photographs, graphics, and audiovisual materials.

Library Research Databases

Periodicals - Magazines & Newspapers

The Truax Library has a small collection of some historical backfiles of print magazines:

  • Look: 1963-10/71
  • Life: 1963-1972. 1985-5/00
  • Current History: 1970-1999
  • Foreign Affairs: 1970-
  • National Geographic: 1960-1969 1971-1978 1980 to present
  • Time: 1970- present
  • Vital Speeches of the Day: from 10/15/65-- (volumes 33 and 42 are missing) to Current year

Some other sources to check:


Many libraries and organizations are digitizing specialized collections and making them available online. From historical photographs to rare books, these collections contain a wealth of information and are readily accessible.

Remember to carefully evaluate the source of any information posted on the web and follow your instructor’s guidelines for recommended sources.

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