The list of links at right represents issues of newspapers that were produced between the 1870s and the early 2000s. Bear in mind, when dates are used, they are not meant to be conclusive, meaning some titles will have few issues of a given year. Remember, not everyone saved newspapers with preservation in mind, so complete runs of most titles are rare, especially before the 1930s.
Josef Muench, Loom in the Desert. With mighty rock formations in Monument Valley, Arizona as a background, three Navajo Indian women stand near their loom. They are famous for their rugs, a native craft which still persists as a means of life on their Reservation. (Pho, [19981a.jpg]. Arizona Memory Project, accessed 05/09/2023,
Maffet, Geo. W. Cheyenne Transporter. (Darlington, Indian Terr.), Vol. 4, No. 21, Ed. 1, Saturday, July 28, 1883, newspaper, July 28, 1883; Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, Darlington, Indian Territory. ( accessed September 6, 2023), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.