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Multimedia Academic Resources: OneDrive

Resources in our libraries to support students working on academic multimedia assignments

OneDrive - Madison Collegeonedrive logo

OneDrive is part of Microsoft 365 and provides cloud storage space for your files.

Your college account is a OneDrive for work or school account.

If you choose to, you can also share a file or collaborate with others at the College.

  • Easy to use
  • Access on-campus or off-campus 
  • Ample storage space - 1 TB of space in the cloud with your College OneDrive 
  • Secure - Your files are private unless you choose to share them with others at the college
  • Transferable skill - Many workplaces use OneDrive and you could also choose to have a personal OneDrive account

Access OneDrive

M365 waffle menu

  • Microsoft 365 Desktop Apps - Access OneDrive through desktop Microsoft 365 apps such as Word or Excel.
  • Office for the web - Access OneDrive by logging into an online Office app such as Word online. 
  • - Sign into the OneDrive website with your Madison College email address. If prompted, choose "Work or School Account"

Saving to OneDrive

Using an Office program, choose File - Save As, and you may see the option to save to your OneDrive - Madison College. You may also have a personal OneDrive account option, or you could choose This PC to save to a USB drive or other storage location. You may also set up automatic syncing and AutoSave to OneDrive.

onedrive - Madison College

Upload to OneDrive

You can upload many file types and even folders

Saving Tips

It's a good idea to save early, save often as you're working, and save your important files in a couple places such as a USB drive, email, a personal computer, cloud or other storage location. 

OneDrive for work or school has a recycle bin so if you accidentally delete a file, you may be able to restore it. Items are periodically deleted from the recycle bin. 

How to add a OneDrive file to Blackboard

Former students not currently enrolled at Madison College  

When you graduate or are no longer enrolled at MATC, you can copy your files to another storage location such as a personal OneDrive account or another storage location. 

If you don't see the option to access OneDrive - Madison College, contact Student Technology Help

Share and Collaborate with OneDrive

Share and Collaborate

Your files can be viewed only by you unless you choose to share files. If you choose to share files, you can set permissions to be view or edit.  

External sharing is currently not allowed with your Madison College OneDrive but you should be allowed to share files internally with other Madison College users.

Version History

Version History

With version history, you can see and restore older versions of your files stored in OneDrive.

You can also view and restore previous versions of files saved to your OneDrive from within Office apps:

Sync Files with OneDrive

Sync Files with OneDrive

Launch the OneDrive desktop application to sync files between your computer and the cloud. When you're online, any changes that you or others make will sync automatically.

Depending on the sync state of your files or folders you may see various icons. Learn more:

You may also take advantage of AutoSave to automatically save your files, every few seconds, while you work.

Having trouble syncing files to OneDrive? OneDrive may not be running, it may not be signed in, your account may be full, or more.

OneDrive Sync Client on College-Loaned Autopilot Laptops

The OneDrive sync client is set to automatically sync files on the autopilot College-loaned laptops from the following folders: Desktop, Documents, Pictures, Screenshots, and Camera Roll. These folder's will now be stored in the user's OneDrive folder and can be accessed from anywhere.

You may see a popup indicating these files have been backed up, once complete. There will also be a green check icons on files located in the noted folder locations. Green check mark in circle icon

If you would like to turn this off, open the OneDrive Sync Client, choose Help and Settings, settings, backup, manage backup, and click the stop back up option for the folders of choice. If you choose to turn this off, we suggest you backup your files to a different location or service.