"Diversity and Education: Teachers, Teaching, and Teacher Education exemplifies many of the major concepts and principles of multicultural education, individually and collectively. The goal of the book is to move beyond the surface to more deeply explore the intersections of diversity, equity and education. Theoretical, empirical, and practical discussion are included in the five sections of the book that offers a wide range of vantage points - race, ethnicity, gender, social class, disciplines, language, and levels of schooling, as well as curriculum, assessment, learning climate and context, and relationships between teachers and learners. The book describes in detail the contemporary perspectives on diversity, language diversity, gender diversity, diversity in higher education, and implications for teacher education. Additionally, central and guiding questions are included, with statistics about P-12 students and teacher education. Explicit examples of what these constructs mean and how they are used is provided. The book is complemented by an overview of each chapter and section. Written by some of the leading scholars in education and beyond, this book will be a valuable resource for practicing teachers, teacher educators, graduate students, undergraduate students, and educational researchers."