This guide provides information and strategies to assist with implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion directly into instruction and the classroom.
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"This book does not focus simply on the employment prospects of first generation higher education entrants but rather engages with the wider possibilities of social engagement and transformation that can arise from participation in higher education. It provides essential reading for administrators, policy-makers, managers, academics and indeed anyone else interested in how to widen the socio-economic base of higher education so that the process is informed by a significant concern with social justice and reducing inequality." Rosemary Deem, Professor of Education, University of Bristol This book examines the proposition that parental education is a key factor contributing to the access and success of students, but that insufficient attention is paid to this by researchers, national systems and institutional interventions. Analysis of research findings from ten countries, plus a UK wide study, indicates that parental education is more important in determining access to higher education than parental employment or financial status. The book provides a clear conceptualisation of first generation entry, exploring its complex interrelationship with social class. Furthermore, it demonstrates that when first generation entry is used as a lens, it disrupts the taken for granted assumptions regarding widening participation and helps produce much more effective approaches to targeting access and supporting student success. First Generation Entry into Higher Education provides a unique and insightful examination of how first generation entrants are supported or otherwise by different national approaches and institutional responses. The book is essential reading for all with an interest in widening participation in higher education."
"Diversity and Education: Teachers, Teaching, and Teacher Education exemplifies many of the major concepts and principles of multicultural education, individually and collectively. The goal of the book is to move beyond the surface to more deeply explore the intersections of diversity, equity and education. Theoretical, empirical, and practical discussion are included in the five sections of the book that offers a wide range of vantage points - race, ethnicity, gender, social class, disciplines, language, and levels of schooling, as well as curriculum, assessment, learning climate and context, and relationships between teachers and learners. The book describes in detail the contemporary perspectives on diversity, language diversity, gender diversity, diversity in higher education, and implications for teacher education. Additionally, central and guiding questions are included, with statistics about P-12 students and teacher education. Explicit examples of what these constructs mean and how they are used is provided. The book is complemented by an overview of each chapter and section. Written by some of the leading scholars in education and beyond, this book will be a valuable resource for practicing teachers, teacher educators, graduate students, undergraduate students, and educational researchers."
Thomas Jefferson once stated that the foremost goal of American education must be to nurture the "natural aristocracy of talent and virtue." Although in many ways American higher education has fulfilled Jefferson's vision by achieving a widespread level of excellence, it has not achieved the objective of equity implicit in Jefferson's statement. In Equity and Excellence in American Higher Education, William G. Bowen, Martin A. Kurzweil, and Eugene M. Tobin explore the cause for this divide. Employing historical research, examination of the most recent social science and public policy scholarship, international comparisons, and detailed empirical analysis of rich new data, the authors study the intersection between "excellence" and "equity" objectives. Beginning with a time line tracing efforts to achieve equity and excellence in higher education from the American Revolution to the early Cold War years, this narrative reveals the halting, episodic progress in broadening access across the dividing lines of gender, race, religion, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. The authors argue that despite our rhetoric of inclusiveness, a significant number of youth from poor families do not share equal access to America's elite colleges and universities. While America has achieved the highest level of educational attainment of any country, it runs the risk of losing this position unless it can markedly improve the precollegiate preparation of students from racial minorities and lower-income families. After identifying the "equity" problem at the national level and studying nineteen selective colleges and universities, the authors propose a set of potential actions to be taken at federal, state, local, and institutional levels. With recommendations ranging from reform of the admissions process, to restructuring of federal financial aid and state support of public universities, to addressing the various precollegiate obstacles that disadvantaged students face at home and in school, the authors urge all selective colleges and universities to continue race-sensitive admissions policies, while urging the most selective (and privileged) institutions to enroll more well-qualified students from families with low socioeconomic status.
The focus of this book is on educational equity issues affecting immigrants and refugees around the world. Chapters highlight educational approaches that build from experiential knowledge, draw upon multiple languages, consider group identity, grapple with the complexities of inclusion, address family concerns, promote parental involvement, involve liaison with community agencies, and view cultural differences as educational strengths. While the book does not shy away from exploring the more challenging aspects of the refugee and immigrant experience, it avoids dwelling on victimology and rejects applying a deficit framework. Rather it offers hope, emphasizing the potential strengths of refugees, including their cultural capital and survival skills. The authors also make cogent suggestions for structural, pedagogical, and conceptual reform, with targets ranging from individual teachers to educational systems to social, economic, political, and cultural contexts.
Sustainable Development Goal 4 seeks to 'Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.' It acknowledges that quality education is a foundational necessity for sustainable development and an enhanced quality of life. SDG4 - Quality Education: Inclusivity, Equity and Lifelong Learning For Allexplores the multifaceted and complex nature of the concepts of inclusivity and quality education. Drawing examples from two different country contexts (Latvia and Jamaica), the book explores how and why inclusive and quality education is critical to sustainable development. It considers the indicators of inclusive and quality education, how the concept of education for sustainable development is evolving, and the ways in which these indicators are being pursued. The book pays specific attention to the roles of teachers, teacher educators, and the curriculum in the attainment of inclusive and quality education and 21st Century skills for a sustainable society. Concise Guides to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goalscomprises 17 short books, each examining one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The series provides an integrated assessment of the SDGs from economic, legal, social, environmental and cultural perspectives.
Equality in Education: Fairness and Inclusion is a scholarly call to action. As the book reminds us, governments come and go and in doing so they busy themselves with policy to mark their patch. Inequality and exclusion remain stubborn foes that are proving to be somewhat impervious to glossy policy pronouncements.
"Across the country, there has been a resounding call to increase diversity in science fields-met with disillusionment from students and activists who watch, year after year, as unequal representation persists. By exploring this paradox, Julie Posselt provides readers-the scientific community and those who study, support, and aspire to it-with a nuanced understanding of the subtle ways that exclusion and inclusion operate in disciplinary contexts".
"Equity in mathematics education: Addressing a changing world contributes to the understanding of equity and its complex relations to mathematics education. It is anticipated that it will support individuals in teaching, educational research, policy making and planning, and teacher education, in becoming more aware of the interplay between school mathematics and socio-political issues that, ultimately, impacts the lives of learners and their communities, teachers as practitioners and as citizens, the wider society, and the world as a whole. Even though each chapter can be read independently of others, an engagement with all chapters in this volume will provide readers with a solid holistic understanding of the research territory of equity and mathematics education"
"While developmental responsiveness is a deservingly key emphasis of middle grades education, this emphasis has often been to the detriment of focusing on the cultural needs of young adolescents. This Handbook volume explores research relating to equity and culturally responsive practices when working with young adolescents. Middle school philosophy largely centers on young adolescents as a collective group. This lack of focus has great implications for young adolescents of marginalized identities including but not limited to those with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, LGBTQ youth, and those living in poverty. If middle level educators claim to advocate for young adolescents, we need to mainstream conversations about supporting all young adolescents of marginalized identities. It empowers researchers, educators, and even young adolescents to critically examine and understand the intersectionality of identities that historically influenced (and continue to affect) young adolescents and why educators might perceive marginalized youth in certain ways. It is for these reasons that researchers, teachers, and other key constituents involved in the education of young adolescents must devote themselves to the critical examination and understanding of the historical and current socio-cultural factors affecting all young adolescents. The chapters in this volume serve as a means to open an intentional and explicit space for providing a critical lens on early adolescence-a lens that understands that both developmental and cultural needs of young adolescents need to be emphasized to create a learning environment that supports every young adolescent learner."
This volume focuses on professional ethics and the moral dimensions of inclusive education. The significance of ethics in inclusive education has been noted by numerous scholars, however, to date, a comprehensive review does not exist in the field. Grounded in an examination of international conceptualizations of ethics and inclusion, this book provides a comprehensive analysis of current understandings of professional ethics in the context of inclusive education and the many issues associated with its practice. The first chapters provide an overview of ethics and inclusive education, including; discussions on inclusion as ethical in nature based on an argument of inclusion as a human right; an examination of ethics and epistemology as it relates to inclusion; and the role of administrators in ethical practice. The second section focuses on practical issues related to ethical challenges, issues, and dilemmas in inclusive classrooms and teaching practice. The roles of the teacher, the co-teacher, and colleagues, which include administrators, specialists, and staff, are examined. Moreover, practice related problems are discussed including assessment, emergent curriculum, and meeting the needs of gifted learners in inclusive settings.
Higher education institutions continue to address an increasingly complex set of issues regarding equity, diversity and inclusion. Many institutions face mounting pressure to find innovative solutions to eliminate access, participation, and achievement barriers as well as practices that impede retention and graduation rates in higher education. This volume provides educators with a global understanding of the challenges associated with the growing diversity of student identities in higher education and provides evidence-based strategies for addressing the challenges associated with implementing equity and inclusion at different higher education institutions around the world.