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English - Academic Writing: Cite Sources


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Citation Help and Avoiding Plagiarism - 2024 Update

Citation Help and Avoiding Plagiarism

Howler Tutorial

Image: Screenshot with play button for tutorial

What's Your Style?

It is important to document your sources to help your reader find your research sources and to avoid plagiarism. It is standard practice in writing papers.

While there are many different citation styles, the most commonly used by Madison College English classes are MLA and APA:

Online Writing Labs (OWLS)

Online writing labs (OWLs)

Citation & Plagiarism Tutorials

Screenshot of HOWLER library tutorial

Plagiarism Video

Microsoft Word 2013

Microsoft Word 2013 has a citation tool under the References tab:

screenshot of insert citation option in Microsoft Word 


Research Guide on Plagiarism

Check out what you should and SHOULD NOT do when it comes to writing college papers!

Writing: Why Bother?

Image: Links to video


Researching, Reading, and Writing. Films On Demand. Films Media Group, 2009. Web. 6 Feb. 2015.

Citation Management Tools On the Web

These free web-based tools can help create and manage your citations for your research papers. Always check with your instructor to see if it is okay to use these.

Library Databases & Citations

Many of the Madison College Library subscription databases offer internal citation generators:

  • CQ Researcher -- look for the CiteNow! tab at the top of the report
  • Ebsco databases -- look for the Cite link in the "Tools" box
  • Opposing Viewpoints -- look for the Citation Tools link in the "Tools" box

Citation & Plagiarism Books

Check the 808 section of the circulating and reference stacks for books that can help in the process of writing papers and properly documenting sources.