To get at the most relevant literature, try to:
- combine terms using "AND" to make your search more specific
- search as a phrase by putting quotation marks around your search terms. The results will find only items that include your terms next to each other, and in the order you typed them.
- add a truncation symbol to the stem of a word to find variant endings.
- search for a specific ethnic or cultural group. example:
- consider related terms and combine them to describe your topic. examples:
The goal of culturally competent health care services is to provide the highest quality of care to every patient, regardless of race, ethnicity, cultural background, English proficiency or literacy. Some common strategies for improving the patient-provider interaction and institutionalizing changes in the health care system include:
Georgetown Health Policy Institute. (2004 February) What is Cultural Competence in Healthcare? (Issue Brief Number 5) Retrieved from: