If you do not know the exact subject heading describing the topic you need, try doing a keyword search using other word/s related to that topic (such as "occupational science") and then click on the subject heading links found within the relevant records to find additional, useful resources.
Art Therapy
Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy case studies
Occupational therapy for children
Occupational therapy for older perople
Occupational therapy philosophy
Occupational therapy research
Occupational therapy services
Occupational therapy United States
People with disabilities
Physical therapy
Play therapy
Quality of work life
Recreational therapy
Vocational rehabilitation
Colleges (including Madison College) and public libraries use the Dewey Decimal System for organizing their collections.
Occupational Therapy--615.8515
Physical Therapy--615.82
Universities use the Library of Congress Classification System which is based on the alphabet.
BF = Psychology
HM-HX = Sociology
L = Education
QM-QP = Anatomy and Physiology
R = Medicine
R123 = Medical terminology
RC475-489 = Therapeutics (art, music, dance therapy)
RJ505 = Play therapy
RM700 = Physical therapy
RM735 = Occupational therapy
RM930 = Rehabiliation therapy
RM950 = Rehabilitation technology
Students with a valid OneCard and enrolled in a degree credit class at Madison College may obtain a free courtesy card allowing access and borrowing privileges at all UW-Madison campus libraries. Students should bring their OneCard to any of the Madison College campus libraries and request a qualifying form from the library staff. To obtain a courtesy card, students will need to present this form, along with their OneCard, at the Card Application Window at UW-Madison's Memorial Library.
Madison faculty and staff may obtain a courtesy card by presenting a photo ID and proof of institutional affiliation at UW-Madison Memorial Library.
Browsing for occupational therapy books in libraries can be tricky. Books on occupational therapy are shelved together in the general dewey area for applied medicine with a specific call number, 615.8515. However, they may also be shelved by medical speciality (e.g., pediatrics, geriatrics, or psychiatry) or by affected body systems (e.g. the muskuloskeletal system or the nervous system). It's recommended that you use the catalog (see box to the left) for searching. This is much more effective than browsing.
Search for books by using the library's online catalog. The links below will open in a new browser window.
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