Madison College Libraries have a variety of magazines available for you to check out. These include news magazines such as:
Time |
Newsweek | U.S. News & World Report |
...and popular, general interest magazines, such as:
Sports Illustrated | Health | Consumer Reports |
National Geographic | Essence | Money |
Men's Journal | Marie Claire | Ebony |
Articles from many more news magazines and popular magazines of all kinds, as well as thousands of articles from academic journals are available 24/7 through the Madison College Libraries online databases.
On this page we talk about magazines, journals, and newspapers. You'll also find the word periodical being used.
A periodical is a publication that is issued or published at regular intervals (or "periodically"). This could be every day, once a week, once a month, or once every few months. Periodicals usually consist of a collection of articles.
Magazines, journals, and newspapers are all examples of periodicals. Periodicals are also sometimes referred to as serials.
Reading a daily newspaper is a great way to improve your language skills. The libraries subscribe to a number of print newspapers which are available for you to read in the library.
Articles from many national, regional, local, and international newspapers are available through the Madison College online databases.