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History Book Reviews Guide: 2. Research

Research Goal

Locate for use as sources in your paper- at least 2 
Scholarly, Academic, or Approved Book Reviews 
on the book you've selected

Research Tips

Recommended search strategy = 

Author's Last Name


Part of Title

Some books have lots of acceptable reviews - be selective and choose reviews that will work best for your essay. Longer is generally better. 

Some books have few or no acceptable reviews - Ask a librarian for help - you don't need to change your book.

email articles to yourself, along with Chicago style citations - when available.

Reviews are usually published right around the time a book was published, or republished. So look at those dates.

What are acceptable and unacceptable sources for my history book review essay?

Acceptable Sources

Journal of interdisciplinary history

Most European history cover16th century journal

Academic, Scholarly,

or Peer-Reviewed 


green check mark

Unacceptable for your Book Review Essay, even though they may be Academic or Peer Reviewed red X

  • Booklist
  • Choice
  • Kirkus Reviews
  • Library Journal
  • Publisher's Weekly
  • School Library Journal

You will probably find these, even in our library catalog, but they won't be useful for this assignment

Some Acceptable Non-Peer Reviewed Periodicalsgreen check mark

  • Commentarynew yorker cover
  • Daedalus
  • Harpers
  • History Today
  • The Atlantic
  • The Economist
  • London Review of Books
  • The Nation
  • The New Republic
  • The New Statesman
  • The New Yorker 
  • New York Review of Books
  • Tikkun​
  • Weekly Standard

Acceptable Newspapers for Reviews

Boston Globe National Catholic Reporter
Chicago Tribune New York Times
Christian Science Monitor The Guardian
The Independent (London) Toronto Globe and Mail
Irish Times (Dublin) Wall Street Journal
London Times Washington Post
Los Angeles Times Washington times

newspaper graphicgreen check marknational and international Newspapers of Record

Various Unacceptable Periodicals and Newspapers for Review Essays

Choice Popular Science
Consumer Reports Psychology Today
New York Daily News Readers Digest
New York Post Rolling Stone
Newsweek Time
People US News & World Report
Popular Mechanics "popular" magazines

time magazine coverpopular science coverNY Post coverX logo 

Popular and General Magazines

lifesaver clipart