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History Book Reviews Guide: 3. Bibliography

Bibliography Tips

Check Blackboard for your assignment information. 

  • Follow your assignment instructions. 
  • Generally use Turabian Notes and Bibliography / Chicago Humanities  system. 
  • Do Not use Author-Date system. 
  • Include the citation for the book you selected. Check Cite This tool in our library catalog. 
  • Alphabetize
  • Hanging Indent
  • Online web sources: include the URL
  • Database sources: include the database ex. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost. Don't need to include the URL or accession date (Ryan).
  • Left margin: 1.25” Right margin: 1.25” Top margin: 1” Bottom margin: 1”
  • Font: Times New Roman 12 pt
  • Single space within individual citations, double space between citations
  • Acceptable files: .doc, .docx, .odt, and .rtf  (Ryan)


Citation Helpers

Results vary with auto-generated citations. Sample automatically generated citations from two library databases:


Berenson, Edward. The Journal of Modern History 66, no. 4 (1994): 815-18.


Berenson, Edward. "Book reviews." 66, no. 4 (December 1994): 814. Literary Reference Center Plus, EBSCOhost.

You need to edit these and fix them up to match your assignment instructions. For example, Turabian style:

citation for a book review found in a libary database:

Reviewer Last Name, Reviewer First Name. Review of Title of Work Being Reviewed, by Author's First Name Author's Last Name. Journal or Magazine Name volume, issue (Year or Month Year or Month, Day Year): pages. URL (accessed Month day, year).

citation for a book:

Author Last Name, Author First Name. Title of Book. Place: Publisher, year.

Bibliography: Turabian/Chicago Style Citations

examples of formatting - Remember you will find complete instructions in Blackboard


from J Ryan assignment instructions 2017


Citing Articles from Library Research Databases

Include the database information ex. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost.

Don't need to include the URL or accession date (Ryan).