ebooks - Over 400+ reference titles including history encyclopedias, biographies, art, geography and more.
A few of the women's history titles are listed below:
EBSCOhostSearch multiple EBSCO databases Select multiple EBSCO databases to search, Academic Search Complete, History Reference Center, Humanities International, and Masterfile recommended for history.
Subject Areas: Art, Graphic Arts, Architecture. ARTstor is a digital library of over 1.6 million images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images for research and pedagogical purposes. Search ArtStor separately - not included in WorldCat Discovery searches.
Offers streaming films ranging from documentaries, indie and foreign films, must-see classics and blockbuster movies. *Note: we are currently experiencing issues with video display in VDI. Please access videos outside the virtual desktop.
Films on DemandThis link opens in a new windowFilms On Demand [FOD] is an online collection of high quality, educational videos made accessible to the faculty, staff and students at Madison College.
Howard Zinn: The People’s Historian SeriesFilms on Demand Online Video: Six-part collection features 9 hours of conversation with Howard Zinn, historian and shipyard worker, civil rights activist and author of the hugely successful A People’s History of the United States.
La Malinche (Spanish)Films on Demand. Christian Duverger explains the status of the speaker in Aztec society. Cortés' use of a woman translator went against the machismo of Aztec society. The native name given, Malinche, is "owner of the valuable captive" in Nahuatl, and was used for her and Cortés.
Slave Trade - NzingaFilms on Demand.
In Ndongo, Central Africa, Queen Nzinga Mbande sold captives to the Portuguese, who now wanted to enslave her people to work on New World sugar plantations. The tribe was outnumbered by hostile Africans and taken prisoner.