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English: English 1: AI Issues - ALP Faculty

Guide for 100 level college English

Image: Banner image for guide, "English 1/ALP artificial intelligence". Features a robot sitting and thinking while sitting on a bench.

Banner image of robot created by Microsoft Copilot Designer. “A Robot Sitting and Thinking on a Bench with a City Blurred in the Background.” Copilot Designer, Microsoft, 9 July 2024 Edited.

Sample AI Research Questions

  • Does generative artificial intelligence infringe upon copyright or intellectual property?
  • What jobs and careers are most at risk from AI?
  • What can be done so that generative AI queries can be free of 'hallucinations'/misinformation?
  • What safeguards can be put in place so that systems controlled by artificial intelligence do not cause harm?
  • How does generative AI especially endanger young learners trying to develop critical thinking skills?
  • Generative AI tools have come a long way. What tasks are most difficult for AI to do well and why is that?
  • How does artificial intelligence widen the gaps between college students?
  • What can be done to correct some of the biases present in generative AI systems?
  • Is there a need for greater government regulations on AI systems, or will the tech industry get it right?
  • How do AI friends and 'significant others' fill social gaps that some experience? Is this an effective way to lessen loneliness?
  • Do we need international agreements on AI? What issues might they address?
  • For what ethical reasons should employees disclose when they use AI at work?
  • How will AI change how healthcare is delivered in the United States? What do experts foresee as the benefits and risks?
  • How will AI alter entertainment such as movies and television? 
  • What evidence exists that suggests that it might be unwise to trust the tech industry to keep us safe from the worst consequences of AI?
  • How do apps that rely heavily on AI jeopardize the privacy of those who use them?
  • In what ways will AI lead to better job training and career advancement opportunities? 
  • How might advances in AI transform the roles of those in the military? What might be the dangers of shifting risks away from soldiers in combat?
  • What threats does AI pose for U.S. national security?
  • What threats does AI present to the fair application of criminal justice in the U.S.?
  • How might AI image generation disrupt the art world? Should artists be worried?
  • How do deepfakes generated by AI threaten privacy, security and democratic systems?
  • What environmental costs are connected to the growing use of AI?