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Guide for 100 level college English

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English 1 at Madison College

The first course in communication skills at the college level, developing student abilities in critical reading, writing, listening, and speaking, for both exposition and argumentation. The course emphasizes summarizing, analyzing, and synthesizing information from sources, and develops research and presentation skills. The class assumes competence in English grammar and paragraph structure.

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English I Library Core Competencies

 In addition to the general information literacy competencies for Madison College Libraries...

The English 1 student will:


  • Investigate the role of the library in academic writing
  • Interpret an assignment to determine the kind of research required
  • Match information needs to appropriate search tools, such as library subscription databases or web search engines
  • Apply search techniques to execute basic search queries, such as generating search terms, simple Boolean logic, limiters, phrase searches, synonyms, truncation, or database filters
  • Demonstrate ethical research practices, including identifying and citing all sources used in their academic work, whether print, digital, or multimedia
  • Recognize what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid intentional and unintentional plagiarism in college
  • Use media ethically, documenting the creator and maintaining their copyright and intellectual property rights
  • Recognize misinformation, disinformation, deep fakes, satire, sensationalized journalism and clickbait
  • Use PROWL to verify sources, such as the reputation and expertise of the author, the publication or platform, and the quality of evidence presented
  • Utilize digital citation tools, such as the citation functions of library databases, or digital citation generators, such as MyBib, or citation style guides to credit the ideas of others
  • Examine the role of cognitive bias in shaping perceptions of information
  • Define basic principles, concepts, terminology, and technology related to Generative AI (artificial intelligence)
  • Demonstrate ethical practices if using generative AI in writing, including citation, avoiding plagiarism, respecting privacy, and adhering to ethical guidelines

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