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Banned Books: Books/Database Resources


Find books by searching on the terms:  banned books, censorship, challenged books, prohibited books

Use the Interlibrary Loan request form to borrow books or articles from other campuses/libraries.

Finding articles in the Libraries Databases

Find articles from magazines, newspapers, scholarly journals, etc.  Username and password access required off-campus. 

1.  Access the Madison College Libraries Homepage.

2.  Click on "Browse Databases by A to Z list."

3.  Choose EBSCOhost to search multiple databases at the same time.  Choose databases to search by selecting the check box next to the database name (e.g. Academic Search Complete, Humanities International, Literary Reference Center Plus, MasterFile Complete, Newspaper Source Plus, etc.).

Screenshot of EBSCOhost menu showing checkbox to select/deselect all EBSCO databases

4.  Other databases to search include:  JSTOR and Opposing Viewpoints.

5.  JSTOR search example:

Screenshot of JSTOR advanced search boxes with "to kill a mockingbird" in the first box and challenged book in the second 

Hint:  Use "quotes" to search exact title.   



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Topic Page:  Censorship - Credo Reference

Culture Wars book cover

Addresses the key defining issues of contemporary American society through the lens of political and social controversy.

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