In Pressed for Time, Judy Wajcman explains why we immediately interpret our experiences with digital technology as inexorably accelerating everyday life.
This extraordinary publication examines the impact of punk's aesthetic of brutality on high fashion, focusing on its do-it-yourself, rip-it-to-shreds ethos, the antithesis of couture's made-to-measure exactitude. Indeed, punk's democracy stands in opposition to fashion's autocracy.
Status Update by Alice E. Marwick
Call Number: 305.52 M391
ISBN: 0300176724
Publication Date: 2013-11-26
Marwick argues that early revolutionary goals have failed to materialize: while many continue to view social media as democratic, these technologies instead turn users into marketers and self-promoters, and leave technology companies poised to violate privacy and to prioritize profits over participation.
Illustrates how some Jews have created a new, hybrid form of Judaism, merging American values and behaviors with those from historical Jewish traditions.
Hispanics in the United States represents a collective exploration providing a basic foundation of the information available to understand Hispanics in the United States and create an effective policy agenda.
This volume presents an interdisciplinary approach to humanistic scholarship, one that can be situated somewhere between cultural studies and cultural history while being more specific than either.
A unique and comprehensive look at some 1,500 of the world's peoples--from the earliest times to the present--offers a fascinating exploration of our planet's cultural and ethnic diversity.
Vanishing Cultures: Bushmen of the Kalahari
Call Number: 968.004961 V258 DVD (Truax)
Black in Latin America
Call Number: 980.00496 B627 DVD
Enduring Ways of the Lac du Flambeau People
Call Number: 977.5004973 E56 DVD
Streaming Videos
Note: Streaming videos require off-campus login to your Madison College account.
Culture: Volume 1
Great Human Odyssey
Femicide: Honduras, One of the Most Dangerous Places to be a Woman
The Story of the Jews: Part One
William Rivers: Everything Is Relatives
The Kindness of Strangers: Altruism and Human Nature
The Migration Policy Institute is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank in Washington, DC dedicated to analysis of the movement of people worldwide.