The databases listed below contain articles suitable for a variety of different reading levels. All of them allow you to limit your search by reading level (Lexile level), making it possible for you to find the articles that best suit your reading skills. Articles with lower lexile ranges (200-750) will be easier to read. Those with higher lexile ranges (850+) are suitable for readers with more advanced skills.
For other Madison College online databases, go to the library web site's A-Z list of databases.
These databases are available 24/7 for Madison College students, staff, and faculty with an internet connection.
To get into one of the databases from home or work, just log in with your Madison College username and password.
Includes TOEFL, U.S. Citizenship, and GED test preparation; job search, resume writing, and interviewing skills; academic skills improvement in reading, writing, and math; career licensing and certification preparation; and placement test practice for SAT, ACT, and more.
Link to learn more about Brainfuse for practice courses, tests, and diagnostic tools.
Includes TOEFL, U.S. Citizenship, and GED test preparation; academic skills improvement in reading, writing, and math; career licensing and certification preparation; and placement test practice for ACCUPLACER, COMPASS, SAT, ACT, and more.
Credo Reference offers over 400 reference titles. You can access them online anytime, anywhere. Use this resource to find: