Student Achievement Centers
The Student Achievement Center [SAC] resources, services and study spaces are an important part of the learning environment at Madison College. It is essential that SAC users respect the rights and privacy of others while in the Centers. Disruptive or unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated and may result in users being asked to leave the space. Users may also be subject to other action in accordance with College policies and/or state and federal law. The Student Achievement Center staff reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of any behavior. As part of the College’s Student Code of Conduct and Rights and Responsibilities, all students “have the right to experience a high quality learning environment, free from disruptions or distractions.”
We ask our users to immediately report any inappropriate behavior to the SAC staff or faculty. Concerns will be addressed immediately and Madison College Public Safety or the Madison Police Department will be called if appropriate.
Student Achievement Centers users engaging in any of the following behaviors are in violation of the Centers Code of Behavior, and in some cases, State and Federal law, and include:
- Talking on cell phones. All mobile devices must be silenced prior to entering the Student Achievement Center. Calls should be taken outside of the Center. .
- Using headphones at a volume that is audible or disruptive to others.
- Having food or uncovered beverages when using SAC computers and/or equipment. Clean up after yourselves.
- Conversing loudly and/or using offensive, threatening, harassing or abusive language and/or gestures.
- Congregating in the Center for discussion unrelated to school work and/or being disruptive to others. Groups of 5 or more are encouraged to reserve a Study Room or go to a more appropriate location on campus.
- Physically or verbally abusing student users or staff.
- Violating the Student Computer Systems Guidelines
- Using tobacco products, alcohol, or illegal drugs in the SAC.
- Gambling.
- Damaging, defacing, or misusing Student Achievement Center material and/or property.
- Stealing SAC or College material and/or property.
- Leaving children under the age of 16 unaccompanied. The Center accepts no liability or responsibility for the safety of unaccompanied children.
- Abusing printing and/or scanning privileges.
- Performing lewd or sexual acts in the SAC.
- Entering the Student Achievement Center without proper attire (shirt, shoes, etc.).
- Failing to present appropriate Onecard or other ID when requested by staff.
- Knowingly giving out false or inaccurate information.
- Distributing literature, pictures, etc.or unapproved solicitation within the Center without permission.
- Demonstrating any behavior in violation of the Student Code of Conduct or of State or Federal law.
- Exhibiting any other behavior deemed inappropriate by Center staff.
- Users or user groups found to be in violation of these rules will be given a warning and offered the choice of immediately discontinuing the behavior in question or voluntarily leaving the Center.
- In the event that a patron refuses to either discontinue the behavior or leave the Center, Madison College Public Safety may be contacted, and the user will be identified and removed from the Center.
- Failure to either comply with the SAC code of behavior or leave the SAC when requested, may also result in suspension of privileges and/or expulsion from the Student Achievement Center.
- Should a user continue to exhibit inappropriate behavior on subsequent visits, he/she will be referred to SAC administration and/or Madison College conflict management staff for follow-up.
- When necessary, 911 will be called.