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Journalism: AI and Writing - Including ChatGPT

Links to key resources on the topic of journalism and publishing.

Image: Banner for the guide to artificial intelligence and automated writing

Chatbots and AI - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

NBC News: Interview with tech ethicists: AI ‘race to recklessness’ could have dire consequences

Image: Links to video from NBC News on chatbots


60 Minutes: The new world of AI chatbots like ChatGPT (March 5, 2023)

Image: Screenshot from Sixty Minutes TV show links to the page to play the video

Chatbots and Higher Education

ChatGPT Does Physics

Image: Links to video on ChatGPT and physics coursework

Why artificial intelligence developers say regulation is needed to keep AI in check

Image: Screenshot of PBS Newshour coverage of Senate hearing on AI

CBS Sunday Morning: Story on ChatGPT

Image: Links to a video from CBS Sunday morning about ChatGPT

Pogue, D. (2023, January 22). ChatGPT: Grading artificial intelligence’s writing.

Expert warns of AI tools’ potential threat to democracy

Image: Links to PBS Newshour story about chatbots and democracy