The Student Health Clinic is located at Truax Campus.
Located on the first floor of the Health Education & Information Technology building, room 151A, the clinic offers health information, referrals, over-the-counter medications, and first aid.
Please call 608-661-7350 for more information.
The Campus Fitness Center is located at Truax Campus.
Memberships are available for faculty, staff, and community members. Amenities available include a swimming pool, exercise equipment, and Group Fitness classes.
Please visit the Fitness Center website for more information about memberships, facilities, and hours.
Maintaining your health is more than just eating right, exercising, and seeing a doctor -- it's also keeping yourself informed about your health choices, risks, and options. Use these resources to keep yourself up-to-date or to research health information for yourself or others.
Please remember that these resources are provided for informational use only and are not a substitute for medical advice. If you have a medical issue, see your doctor, and discuss any information you find in your research with your doctor as well.