Plagiarism: Visual Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a serious offense. This guide provides practical advice on how to avoid it.

What's Visual Plagiarism?

Like literary theft, images, videos, and other visual media can also be plagiarized. This can look like failing to cite a visual in your paper or presentation, or taking a work someone else made and claiming it as your own.

When using images from textbooks, or videos you find on the web, proper credit must still be given to its creator.



Citing Images

Different fields require different style guides, so the exact formatting of your citation will vary. The images shown below use APA 7th edition.

Essays: The relevant information should be included alongside the image or object, or in a footnote at the bottom of the page. A full citation must be included in the bibliography section at the end of the essay.

Photos and graphics: Provide the relevant attribution next to the photograph, or close by (eg on the edge or bottom of the page) if that is too obtrusive.

Image citation for photos and essaysSlideshows and presentations: Include the attribution either next to the work or as a footer. You can also include a 'references' slide at the end of the presentation that cites all of the materials used.

Powerpoint references slide example photo


Films: Include the attribution when the work appears on the screen during the film. Alternative, include the attribution in the credits, just as music would be shown in a commercial film. 

Creative Commons (2008, December 8). Science Commons [Video]. Youtube.

Podcasts: Mention the name of the artist during the podcast, like a radio announcement, and provide full attribution on the website, next to where the podcast is available.

Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation. (n.d.). Attributing Creative Commons Materials.