Improve your writing skills at your own pace How do you target a specific audience in writing? What makes up a strong thesis statement? Is there a trick to maintaining clear communication in cyberspace? How do you achieve unity and coherence in a final draft? With Writing Clearly: A Self-Teaching Guide, you'll discover the answers to these questions and many more about the basics of communicating effectively through the written word.
With this updated 7th edition, John Bowden offers a comprehensive and practical guide to report writing. Among the topics featured are preparation and planning, collecting and handling information, style, grammar, and writing and revising a report.
This book presents proven techniques developed in Dr. Iacone's seminars that will enable greater ease, proficiency, and clarity in writing. The conversational, instructional format walks you through the actual stages of the writing process -- from planning and writing the first draft to editing and proofreading. This invaluable handbook also includes helpful guidelines to correct punctuation; lists of often-confused words; and step-by-step procedures for generating effective e-mail, memos, letters, and reports. Book jacket.
This authoritative book has everything busy professionals need to create effective business correspondence -- from style and grammar guidelines to hundreds of fully executed model letters and memos, plus new sections on business e-mail and more.
Winning Strategies for Proposal Writing
Digital Communication Skills
Before You Apply: Resumes, Portfolios, and Your Online Persona
Why are Writing Skills Important?
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Newly updated, The American Heritage® Abbreviations Dictionary, Third Edition, presents some 20,000 terms that appear in text messages, chatrooms, Web sites, sports statistics, travel brochures, airports, personal ads, and countless other places in a world where shorthand is the true universal language.
Senior moment. Think outside the box. Idioms like these can't be understood just from the words that make them up. The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms explores the meanings of idioms, including phrasal verbs such as kick back, proverbs such as too many cooks spoil the broth, interjections such as tough beans, and figures of speech such as elephant in the room.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus offers an intelligent and sensible guide to synonym selection. Organized in an easy-to-use A-Z format, it provides a wide range of synonyms, ranging from mainstream vocabulary to the colorful alternatives that make English such a rich and versatile language.
A new edition of America's best-selling dictionary! This laminated, plain-edged version features more than 225,000 clear and precise definitions, 700 illustrations, and more than 10,000 new words and meanings. Special sections include a Handbook of Style.