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Newly updated, The American Heritage® Abbreviations Dictionary, Third Edition, presents some 20,000 terms that appear in text messages, chatrooms, Web sites, sports statistics, travel brochures, airports, personal ads, and countless other places in a world where shorthand is the true universal language.
Senior moment. Think outside the box. Idioms like these can't be understood just from the words that make them up. The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms explores the meanings of idioms, including phrasal verbs such as kick back, proverbs such as too many cooks spoil the broth, interjections such as tough beans, and figures of speech such as elephant in the room.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus offers an intelligent and sensible guide to synonym selection. Organized in an easy-to-use A-Z format, it provides a wide range of synonyms, ranging from mainstream vocabulary to the colorful alternatives that make English such a rich and versatile language.
A new edition of America's best-selling dictionary! This laminated, plain-edged version features more than 225,000 clear and precise definitions, 700 illustrations, and more than 10,000 new words and meanings. Special sections include a Handbook of Style.
Drawn from the Bloomsbury quotations database, this expanded edition covers more than 700 themes on a wide range of topics. Some of these are familiar, such as love, death, success, failure and sex. The book also includes many unusual subjects, such as pop music, healthy living, the environment, last words and repartee. Each quotation includes its date and a brief biography of the author, and a cross-reference if applicable.
This updated single-volume encyclopaedia has been expanded by more than 1000 original entries bringing it up to the end of the 20th century. Existing entries have been fully updated and geographical entries reflect the most recent political changes and population statistics.
This authoritative survey of English usage, grammar, and style offers guidance on almost any writing problem imaginable. Arranged in a single, easy-to-use A#150;Z list, the guide’s 1,500 entries include examples and quotations that show not only correct and incorrect usage but also the relative effectiveness of different expressions in context.
The Fastest, Easiest Way to Learn: Schaum's Quick Guides These concise, quick reference guides are perfect for business people, writers, and students at all levels. Written by top experts, they offer readers the easiest, most efficient strategies to master or learn a new skill. All Schaum's Quick Guides include do's and don'ts for avoiding common errors, handy checklists, and practice exercises for building skills quickly.