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Main Courses that can be applied to any discipline [50-75 minutes, or a time that suits you]

  • Library Research 

The main course of Library Instruction, this tasty dish offers the complete ins and outs of library research.

  • Source Evaluation

This main course teaches how to critically evaluate websites and published sources to see if they are reputable.

  • Guided Reference Session

Scheduled a class for students to work on their research projects? Have a librarian in the room for guided reference.

  • Specific Database Focus

Order this if you're hungry for in-depth detail on a specific library database.

  • Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in College-Level Research

Choose one, dine on all, or mix from: 1), getting started with AI, 2) using AI appropriately with college-level research, 3) AI prompt writing, 4) choosing the right AI tool for the assignment, and 5) researching AI's implications for technology, society, and more
