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Portage Library & Student Achievement Center: Electronic Resources

Online Databases

Madison College libraries makes a number of online databases available for our students. These databases include reference information, magazine and journal articles, images and films. 

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Need to access the databases off campus? You will be asked to log in with your Madison College user ID and password. This will be the same user ID and password you use to access the college's other systems, such as student email. 


Knight Cite Logo

KnightCite is a service of the Hekman Library at Calvin College which will help you cite your sources in MLA, APA or Chicago styles.

KnightCite makes it easy to cite books, articles, websites and more.  

Films On Demand

Films On Demand [FOD] is an online collection of high quality, educational videos made accessible to the faculty, staff and students at Madison College.

  • Web-based interface that's accessible 24/7, on- and off-campus: off-campus, simply enter your Madison College user ID and password when prompted
  • Over 6,000 titles from top notch producers such as PBS, BBC, Meridian, National Geographic and more!
  • Easy-to-search collection via keyword searches or browsing subject categories
  • Viewable in the classroom or for presentations
  • Share links through email or integrate into Blackboard
  • Combine segments from different videos to create a customized viewing experience
  • Many titles available in closed-captioning

Credo Reference

Credo Reference

Credo Reference features over 500 volumes including encyclopedias, biographies, medical dictionaries and more. 

The database also includes images, maps, bilingual resources and much more. It is an excellent resource for beginning research. 

Accessing from off-campus? You will need to enter your Madison College user ID and password. 


HOWLER (Help Online With Library Education and Research) is a series of multimedia tutorials which will help you learn the basics of using the library and performing research. Our HOWLER videos cover choosing a research topic, performing effective searches, evaluating online sources, citing your sources and more. 


Learning Express Library

Learning Express Logo

Learning Express includes practice tests, exercises, skill-building courses, information on completing a GED, job and workplace skills and more. 

Accesing from off-campus? You will need to enter your Madison College user ID and password.