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Emergency Medical Services: Article Databases

Madison College Libraries Subscription Databases

For online access to electronic magazine and journal articles from our subscription databases, go to the library home page, click on "Browse Databases by A to Z listand then click on the tab labeled

Databases by Subject

Click on the information "i" link for a description of what information is covered in each database. To open a particular database, just click on the title.

For some good general purpose databases to start with, try MEDLINEplus, EBSCOhost, or Opposing Viewpoints in the right-hand column. 

To access these off-campus, enter your Madison College email address and password when prompted.


Medline Plus logo

MEDLINEplus, a service of the National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health, offers reviewed and reputable web sites and articles covering  various medical fields.


EbscoHost database logo
EBSCOhost Provides access to multiple Ebsco databases, offering a wide range of sources, including magazines, newspapers, scholarly journals and more. Several health databases are included (e.g. Health Reference Center)

Opposing Viewpoints

Gale in Context Opposing Viewpoints database logo

Opposing Viewpoints offers arguments on both sides of topics as well as a wealth of secondary research information.