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Intro to College Writing @ Madison College

Introduces basic principles of composition, including organization, development, unity, and coherence in paragraphs and multi-paragraph documents.

Madison College Writing Center

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ICW Library Core Competencies

**Note: There are multiple pages on this guide for core competencies.***

 In addition to the general information literacy competencies for Madison College Libraries...


The ICW student will:

  • be able to navigate the Library Home Page
  • be aware of different types of information sources available
  • identify keywords from a topic statement and and find synonyms for those keywords
  • be able to execute simple searches in the Library Catalog
  • be aware of other catalogs and opportunities for retrieving those materials through interlibrary loan
  • know where to look for appropriate articles (often occupation-related research) from subscription databases
  • know how to access Madison College Libraries subscription databases from off-campus
  • know how to choose an appropriate database to conduct research on a topic
  • be able to perform an effective search of a library database
  • be able to scan citations for currency, authority, and related subjects
  • know how to print, e-mail or save full-text documents from subscription databases
  • be able to, at a basic level, analyze books, articles, or web sites for authority, bias, and currency
  • be aware of appropriate citation management tools (e.g. Knightcite) to help create MLA, APA, or Chicago style citations

Watertown Library